Bid Live
If you have an account with Arcom Auctions and have been approved to bid by the auctioneer for the auction you are interested in, you can bid in real time against other internet bidders and bidders on the auction floor using Arcom Auctions’s real time live bidding software.
Once an auction has started you will see a Live Now or Live Bidding button. Click the button to open the live bidding software.
Once the live bidding software is launched you will need to enter your username/password.
The Live Auction Begins!
After signing into the Live Bidding Software you will see on your screen a picture of the lot and its opening price.
When Internet and floor bidders begin placing bids, your computer screen will show the price as it changes.
You will see the current bid amount and who the highest bidder is. If the highest bidder is an Internet bidder,
you will see that bidders username; if it is an offline bidder, you will see the word "Floor".
Place bids by clicking on the "Bid" button on your screen. The bid button is always updated to reflect the current
asking price (the amount that the auctioneer is currently asking for the lot).
The auctioneer can choose to take bids from the Internet or floor bidders at any point.
Like a referee, the auctioneer has full authority to decide when to acknowledge bids and what the current price is.
Before closing a lot, the auctioneer will send a "Last Call", which means that the lot is about to close.
If you are still interested in buying that lot, hurry up and bid!
All Internet bids placed during a live auction are binding, so think carefully before submitting your bids.
Since live auctions can be conducted in different currencies, make sure to check the auction currency for each live auction event.
You can change the currency in which you view the bid amounts in, BUT keep in mind that these amounts are an estimate and
don't reflect up to the minute exchange rates. All bids are stored in the currency specified in the auction information
not necessarily the currency you bid in.
To learn more about how to bid live please view our short and informative video: click here